Mercury Mariner Solenoids 35hp thru 200hp 89-96158T
Product Description
Mercury Mariner Solenoid
This solenoid has been used for starter & power trim Solenoid in the past
35hp 2-Cyl. (w/3 Ram Trim) USA 6445653-0C159199, USA 0C159200 and Up, BEL 9384476 and Up
40 2-Cyl. 1980-83 USA 5823918-0G053313 BEL 9298956 and Up
50 4-Cyl. (with out) USA 6146849 and Up BEL 9362391 and Up
50 4-Cyl. (with trim) USA 6146849 and Up BEL 9362391 and Up
50 3-Cyl. 1986 -1998 55hp 1996-1998
60hp 1988-1998
70hp USA 0A996142 and Up BEL 9483121 and Up
80hp 1980-1983
90hp 6-cylinder
115hp 6-cylinder
135hp 150 175hp 200hp V6
PLEASE NOTE: Most parts are specific to certain models & year series. And cannot be held responsible if you do not provide engine model and serial number with order We advise you to attach your model and serial number at the time of order to ensure the part is correct for your engine.
Please Call 01252317100 With model and serial number for advice from one of our engineers on spares/parts for your engine.